Alexander L. Yampolsky Docent (associate professor) of department of fundamental mathematics, z, doctor of sciences in physics and mathematics, docent (associate professor)

Kostiantyn D. Drach Phd in mathematics

Olga V. Lykova Phd in mathematics, senior lecturer

Olena M. Nevmerzhitska Phd in mathematics, senior lecturer

Eugene V. Petrov Phd in mathematics, senior lecturer

Olena O. Shugailo Phd in mathematics, senior lecturer

Dmytro V. Bolotov Doctor of sciences in physics and mathematics, senior researcher of iltpe

Vasyl O. Gorkavyy Doctor of sciences in physics and mathematics, docent (associate professor)

. Docent (associate professor) of department of theoretical and applied computer science , phd in mathematics, docent (associate professor)

P. G. Dolya Docent (associate professor) of department of theoretical and applied computer science , phd for industries

Iryna V. Kats Lead engineer

Dm. I. Vlasenko Phd in mathematics, senior lecturer