3D M Letter
Example from the PscFunctions package
Combining routines of the PscFunctions package it is possible to obtain equations of polysurfaces
In this example we shall show how it is possible to find the equation of the surface in the shape of three-dimensional M letter. For that it will be necessary the equation of the plane region in the shape of M letter. At the beginning we generate a parametric equation of the polygonal lines bounding region of the M letter from above and from below
> | restart; with(PscFunctions): xd:=FPolyline([[0,0],[1,1],[2,1],[3,2],[4,3],[5,3],[6,4]]): yd:=FPolyline([[0,0],[1,0],[2,2],[3,1],[4,2],[5,0],[6,0]]): yu:=FPolyline([[0,3],[1,3],[2,3],[3,2],[4,3],[5,3],[6,3]]): plot({[xd(t),yd(t),t=0..6],[xd(t),yu(t),t=-1..7]},-1..5,-1..4,thickness=3,scaling=CONSTRAINED,color=[BLACK,BLUE]); |
Then with the help of DPscRing routine we generate the equation of the plane region in the shape of M letter.
> | Mletter:=DPscRing([xd,yd],[xd,yu]): Mletter(u,v): plot3d([Mletter(u,v),0],u=0..6,v=0..1,axes=BOXED,grid=[11,11],scaling=CONSTRAINED,orientation=[-90,0],grid=[31,8]); |
Now we generate three continuous piecewise linear functions.
> | p1:=FPolyline([[-1,1],[0,0],[6,0],[7,1]]): p2:=FPolyline([[-1,1],[0,0],[1,0],[2,1]]): p:=FPolyline([[0,0],[1,1]]): print('p1'=p1(x)); print('p2'=p2(x)); print('p'=p(x)); plot([p1(x),p2(x)+0.08,p(x)],x=-2..8,thickness=3,color=[RED,BLUE,BLACK]); |
Here we have uplifted one graph that it did not merge with the others.
Then with the help of these functions we shall create the following function of two variables.
> | P2:=(u,v)->p(p1(u)+p2(v)): print('P2'=P2(u,v)); plot3d(P2(u,v),u=-3..9,v=-2..3,axes=BOXED,grid=[37,21]); |
Now we create a surface. Its x and y coordinates coincide with functions representing the equation of the plane region in the shape of M letter and its z coordinate is equal to the previous function P2(u,v) .
> | plot3d([Mletter(u,v),P2(u,v)],u=-1..7,v=-1..2,axes=BOXED,scaling=CONSTRAINED,orientation=[-115,60],grid=[41,16]); |
The obtained surface has no head. To add it the parametric equation of the other plane region will be necessary. Let's generate the upper and lower boundary curves.
> | fd3:=CPolyline([[0,6],[1,6],[1,4],[2,4],[3,4],[3,6],[4,6]],[0,1,2,3,4,5,6]): fu3:=CPolyline([[0,3],[1,3],[1,3],[2,3],[3,3],[3,3],[4,3]],[0,1,2,3,4,5,6]): print('xd'=fd3[1](t)); print('yd'=fd3[2](t)); print('xu'=fu3[1](t)); print('yu'=fu3[2](t)); plot({[fd3(t),t=-1..7],[fu3(t),t=-1..7]},-1..5,-1..6.1,thickness=2,scaling=CONSTRAINED); |
Then we generate the equation of the plane region bounded by these curves.
> | Cover:=DPscRing([fd3],[fu3],param2=3..2): plot3d([Cover(u,v),0],u=0..6,v=2..3,axes=BOXED,grid=[11,11],scaling=CONSTRAINED,orientation=[-90,0],grid=[31,8]); |
And then we create the equation of the surface as follows
> | x:=(u,v)->Mletter[1](u,v): y:=(u,v)->Mletter[2](u,v)-Cover[2](u,v)+3: z:=(u,v)->P2(u,v): plot3d([x(u,v),y(u,v),z(u,v)],u=-1..7,v=-1..3,axes=BOXED,scaling=CONSTRAINED,orientation=[-115,60],grid=[41,21]); |
Here is how the equation of the surface looks.
> | print('x'=x(u,v)); print('y'=y(u,v)); print('z'=z(u,v)); |