Rectangular billiards

Example from the PscFunctions package

With the help of routines of the PscFunctions package   it is possible to transform equations of curves and surfaces .
Here the problem of creation equation of the path of a point inside a flat rectangular box is solved. Friction misses and the law of reflection is observed.
Let the curve is given by the parametric equation
x=x(t), y=y(t) . The equation of the curve obtained by multiple interior reflection from the boundaries of the rectangular region xl<x<xr, yd<y<yu   looks like the following:

x = x[l]+stc(x(t)-x[l],2*(x[r]-x[l])) ,       (1)
y = y[d]+stc(y(t)-y[d],2*(y[u]-y[d])) ,     (2)

where stc(x,w)  is a sawtooth function from the PscFunctions  package.
Here is an example of the polygonal line obtained by multiple interior reflection of a straight line from boundaries of the rectangle. The ray starts at the point (3/4,1/2) and has the initial direction along the vector (2,1).

>    restart;
xl:=-1: xr:=1: yd:=-2: yu:=2: #  reflection boundary
rec:=plottools[rectangle]([xl,yu], [xr,yd],linestyle=2):
plots[display](crv,rec, scaling=constrained);

[Maple Plot]

The path of a point in rectangular billiards represents a polygonal line obtained at multiple reflections of a rectilinear ray from the boundaries of the rectangle. The formulas presented above are applicable for modelling of such path.
Let from the point  (
x[0], y[0] ) the infinitesimal ball in the direction of the vector ( cos(alpha), sin(alpha) ) darts out. Friction misses. If boundaries are not present the ball would move on the line with the equation x = x[0]+c*t*cos(alpha) , y = y[0]+c*t*sin(alpha) , where t is  time (parameter along a ray), c  is a velocity, alpha  is a slope angle of the ray to the x-axis. The equation of the polygonal line obtained after multiple interior reflections from the boundaries will look like (1), (2). The following example shows as the point goes inside the rectangle

>    xl:=-1: xr:=1: yd:=-2: yu:=2:   # reflection boundary
x0:=-1/2: y0:=1/2:              # starting point
alpha:=arctan(5/7):             # angle of a starting direction
rec := plots[display](plottools[rectangle](\
plots[animate](plot,[[xrefl(t),yrefl(t),t=0..T],color=BLACK,numpoints=500],T=1..68,scaling=CONSTRAINED,thickness=2,frames=35,background=rec );

[Maple Plot]

In the following example if a slope ratio of the path at the starting point is rational, i.e. aplha = arctan(m/n)  and m,n  are integers, then the path will be closed. Otherwise it never will come back in the starting point and gradually will paint over all area of the rectangle.

>    xl:=-1: xr:=1: yd:=-1: yu:=1:   # reflection boundary
x0:=0: y0:=0:                   # starting point
alpha:=arctan(sqrt(2)):         # angle of a starting direction

[Maple Plot]

Here is the parametric equation of this path.

>    'X'=xrefl(t);

X = -1+stc(1/3*t*3^(1/2)+1,4)
Y = -1+stc(1/3*t*2^(1/2)*3^(1/2)+1,4)